List of plates in Comité Bulletin Comit Bulletin 1912 |
Monument Name |
Plates |
Mosque of Ulmas | Pl. XII, Pl. XIII
Fortifications of Alexadnria | Pl. XVIII, Pl. XXI, Pl. XXIIFortifications of Alexandria | Pl. XVII, Pl. XIX, Pl. XXHouse of al-Mufti, al-Khalij al-Masry | Pl. IV, Pl. V, Pl. VI, Pl. VII, Pl. VIII, Pl. IX, Pl. X, Pl. XIHouse of Radwan Bey | Pl. I, Pl. II, Pl. IIIMosque of Abu al-Abbad, Alexandria | Pl. XIVMosque of Ali Bey Jinina, Alexandria | Pl. XVIMosque of Tirbana, Alexandria | Pl. XV
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